Sunday 4 October 2015

Social Travellers

After the compulsory life boat drill, we adjourned to our room and opened the bottle of complimentary champagne, completed our unpacking, performed our ablutions and dressed for dinner. Joined the Social Travellers - a group of unattached guests that meet before dinner and then go into dinner together. We were pleasantly surprised to meet Sandra Burns again (she was on our Baltic cruise last summer), a delightful woman from San Antonio, Texas, with a wonderful sense of humour. Also met Tom from Melbourne, Australia and Bill from Philadelphia. I mentioned to Tom that I had fond memories of a day spent birding at the Melbourne Sewage Lagoons. Surprise, he had never been there! Bill wears the most colourful outfits, orange shirts, green jackets, coloured slacks and shoes. His ties manage to tie all the disparate colours together.
Service was slow at dinner but our wine glasses never emptied.
After our shore excursion the next day, we ran into Tom at the trivia contest that is held each day at tea time. We decided to join forces and participate together. He also informed us that he had a surprise for us that he would present to us at dinner. I think that we showed him we were more than just pretty faces as we managed to answer several questions correctly. At the ST get-together, we were informed by our Regent hostess, one of the singers on board that Tom had written a song for the three of us entitled Deceptive Women Blues. Once he arrived, she sang it for us in a blues style. If you want to see it, ask us on our return for the lyrics as it would take too much to explain the references here. Needless to say, we are getting a reputation.

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