Sunday 4 October 2015

Mystical Mont St. Michel

Friday, we hurried through breakfast to get to our shore excursion on time. The weather was absolutely perfect - not a cloud in the sky, no wind, and slightly cool. After an hour bus ride and a half hour shuttle we arrived. The Abbey is only accessible when the tide is out otherwise the road accessing it is covered by water during high tide. As I mentioned the weather was perfect for climbing the 300 stairs to get to the Abbey. We ended up adding at least another hundred to our total as we went ahead of the guide to get a head start on the next flight only to discover her well below us. We managed to catch up with the group much winded and spaghetti legged. We admired the medieval architecture and the engineering feats to build the structures on this island of stone. A lot of the work was done by prisoners who worked turning a huge wooden wheel pulling boulders up the steep slope. It was either that or a rat-infested dungeon. I'm not sure which would be worse.
After a quick bite, we walked back down through the narrow street lined by cafes and souvenir shops to our rendezvous with the rest of our group. We got off the bus in Saint Malo and took an hour to explore the town with its cobblestoned streets and climbed and strolled along the ancient ramparts for the views. We missed trivia as we arrived back just in time for the last question which we got right. Probably the only time we'll have 100 percent.
That night we ate dinner with Bill as the rest of the group had other plans. We managed to close the dining room for a second night. The hostess, Sarah, said that she would be on our Rio cruise and will make sure that the crew treat us well. We'll see.

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