Friday 9 October 2015

We Are Having Way Too Much Fun!

Our dinner reservation was at 8 so we didn't get to the ST meeting until 7:30. As we were in a celebratory mood, we ordered Vesper Martinis for ourselves and joined the rest of the group. Sandra and Tom were joining us for dinner at Prime 7, the specialty restaurant. We enjoyed our usual repartee with the group and I finally gave Tom his limerick. We hadn't seen him for several nights. At dinner, Tom decided to treat us to one of the specialty wines on the menu. The first one he looked at cost $875 US, the second, over $1000 US! He decided to go with the Sommelier's recommendation - a St. Emilion - I am sure it was over $100 judging from the care the Sommelier took in uncorking it, decanting it, and pouring it. We found out later that it was $285.  All I can say is that it was very very good. We had a very convivial time at dinner and managed to close the restaurant. Tom invited the three of us to his room to enjoy some music. He had over 8000 selections on his electonic device. Sandra and I crooned along to Roy Orbison while Norma and Tom discussed the other music he and she selected. Norma didn't approve of my suggestions at all. She impressed Tom with her knowledge. Tom even opened a bottle of champagne for us. I hope he didn't get too many noise complaints. We didn't get back to our room until midnight.
Earlier, we discussed getting together with Bill and Sandra for dinner in Barcelona. We are all staying at the same hotel. The two of them fly home the next day while we have our private tour of Barcelona.

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