Saturday 10 October 2015

Update from Cadiz, Spain

Internet has been very spotty that is why I haven't been able to send you pictures and that posts have been sporadic at best. This will probably be my last update until we reach Barcelona where I hope to rectify the lack of pictures.
Yesterday, our team came in second at trivia so added another 2 points. Who knows what that will get us. Bought a couple of pair of earrings using my shipboard credit then retired for a nap. Awoke out of a deep sleep - thought it was morning, asked Norma if she had been sleeping on the balcony all night, asked the time - 6:30 said I was going back to bed until 8:30 - when finally it clicked that it was evening not morning. I was totally disoriented.
We met the STs for a cocktail, then just Sandra, Norma and I went to dinner where we regaled the two tall young female dancers with our stories. Dinner service was very slow so didn't leave the restaurant until 10 - then straight to bed. I have developed a sore throat but am persevering. Have a 5-hour tour today so we may decide to have dinner in the room tonight. The whole gang was there for breakfast this morning and we have arranged a farewell dinner with all of us tomorrow night - our last night on this cruise. Time has just flown by.
One statement I want to record for posterity - When Tom was tasting the specialty wine, he remarked that he liked things with a bit of age. I promptly responded, "Oh Good".
By the way, we are now on our 5th clock!
Until Barcelona. Sea day tomorrow. Yeah!

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